You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2008.

I can’t wait for The Office to return! (Thurs, Sept 25)

This funny commerical was on during the Olympics.

Jim tells Dwight and Andy about a new Olympic sport he invented called Slap Face.

I like this:

Ashley Dedin covering Alkaline Trio’s “Love Love Kiss Kiss” on the autoharp. She was one of the winners in the Settle the Score contest. She should have been the only winner in my opinion. She took the one song I don’t like from Agony and Irony and made it amazing.

My mother-in-law forwarded this video of a baby laughing at the wii to me. 

my new favorite pictures.

 corgi puppy jumping

Corgis are just too darn cute.

If you are on MySpace, I would like to recommend that you become friends with this group. They are traveling with the Vans Warped Tour this summer.

To Write Love on Her Arms

To Write Love On Her Arms – Intro Video

To Write Love on Her Arms is a work in progress. This began with one broken girl, one painful night; addiction, depression, cutting. This is a glimpse at the five days that followed, a decision to love and to begin telling her true story. To Write Love on Her Arms is becoming something bigger, something hopeful. It’s the realization of what life can be when we commit to meeting a need. A friend of mine told me there’s no such thing as suicide prevention. This is an attempt to prove him wrong, to say that love can change a life. We can hold back the darkness. Rescue is possible. More soon to come. Join us as we continue to write this story, and as we begin to offer hope to the many hopeless who walk these dark roads. A Jimmy Eat World lyric has been stuck in my head today, “Believe your voice can mean something.”

Or visit their website.

They have lots of shirts including this awesome one for sale here.